Ways to earn passive income while stuck at your computer
If you spend a lot of time working at a computer, why not make a little extra cash on the side while it's running. Here are some great ways to earn some passive money while you're working online.
You can earn money by selling your unused bandwidth. You can run it on your computer or smartphone. So far I've been earning about $5 a week. Connect more devices to earn more.
Referral link: https://earnapp.com/i/XMVBFYN
Watching Videos in the background
I’ve been using Loot.tv and Hideout.tv in combination with Reward XP to try and earn some cash by having videos playing in separate windows on my screen.
I’ve been running Loot and Hideout at the same time for a few days and I’ve got $1 so far. You can cash out from $5.
Referral link: https://www.rewardxp.com/join/1069303
Listening to music on your phone
I usually run an app called Current on my phone for most of the day. I’ve been doing it on and off for a few months, and I’ve been earning about $20 a month. You can earn more by watching ads, doing surveys, playing games, or completing offers.
Referral link: https://crrnt.me/NRdpbkGXdlb
If anyone knows any other good ideas on how to make some extra cash feel free to leave a comment below.
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